

计划在其他机构(匹兹堡大学以外)注册的学生将需要遵循他们计划参加的机构的指导方针. 新机构将需要一份正式的最终成绩单. 在皮特系统内移动被称为搬迁. 请与教务处联系,索取搬迁表格.


在另一所大学获得学分, 大学, 可以考虑转入匹兹堡大学凤凰彩票平台APP下载分校. 官方成绩单被评估为转学分,并受学生申请的课程的个人要求的约束. 被留校察看或被停学的学生,在留校察看或停学期间在其他学院或大学学习的任何课程,将不被皮特-凤凰彩票平台APP下载大学授予学分. The following general rules will apply in most cases: (1) only courses that have a reasonable counterpart in the University of Pittsburgh System are eligible for transfer; (2) the number of credits given for the transfer course cannot exceed those on the transcript of the school where they were earned, nor can they exceed the number of the corresponding University of Pittsburgh course; (3) no transfer credits can be a part of the final 30 required for a degree; (4) all transfer credits are subject to reevaluation if and when the student transfers from one school to another within the University of Pittsburgh; (5) only those credits earned in the twelve years prior to matriculation at Pitt-凤凰彩票平台APP下载 are eligible for transfer (some exceptions may be required for specific program enrollment).


计划在其他高等教育机构(匹兹堡大学以外)上课的学生必须在注册前获得许可. 在其他高等教育机构(匹兹堡大学以外)上课的规则是:

  1. 学生必须有良好的学术成绩
  2. 必须获得书面批准
  3. 课程不能与匹兹堡大学的任何课程重复
  4. 课程必须与Pitt-凤凰彩票平台APP下载提供的课程相同
  5. 课程必须以C或更高的成绩完成
  6. 暑期最多可修读两门课程(8学分)