Report a Crime
Help us fight crime. Call (814) 827-4488 for campus emergencies. For all other emergencies call 911. You may also submit an anonymous tip form.
Emergency call boxes are located throughout the campus and ring directly into the Campus Police Department. Students, faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to use these telephones in the event of an emergency.
If you have any information or questions, please contact the Campus Police Department, on campus at extension 4488, or off campus at (814) 827-4488.
About the Department
The University of Pittsburgh at Titusville maintains a full-time (365 days a year) police department. The Campus Police Department is located on the first floor of Bennett Davis Hall in room 112.
All officers have the authority to enforce the Pennsylvania Crimes Code, Motor Code, and University rules and regulations at Pitt-Titusville. Officers are trained in emergency response procedures, First Aid, CPR, and Act 180 (mandatory in-service training each year). In-service training programs are provided to the officers to keep them abreast of changing laws and familiarize them with procedures and policies related to campus safety and security.
The Campus Police Department also investigates violations of the Pitt-Titusville Student Code of Conduct and generally refers these incidents to the Judicial Affairs Officer.
Crime Log
Consistent with federal reporting requirements and in order to increase awareness about security matters, the University of Pittsburgh at Titusville Office of Campus Police publishes a Daily Crime/Incident Log. This log contains the nature, time, and general location of each crime as well as its disposition, if known. This log may be viewed at the Office of Campus Police, 224 N. Brown Street, Room 112, Titusville, PA 16354. The Daily Crime Log may be viewed from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday.
Crime Reports
In accordance with The College and University Security Information Act (Act 73 of 1988), all crimes on campus are reported to the Pennsylvania State Police. The Campus Police Department maintains a close working relationship with area law enforcement agencies, specifically the Titusville City Police Department, as Pitt-Titusville is within their jurisdiction. Criminal prosecution of incidents that occur on campus are referred to the local District Justice or to the Crawford County District Attorney's Office.
The Jeanne Clery Act requires the University of Pittsburgh to collect crime reports from a variety of individuals and organizations deemed to be Campus Security Authorities. These include security and law enforcement officers; deans; coaches; residence hall staff; overseers and advisors to student clubs and organizations; and other campus officials who have "significant responsibility for student and campus activities," such as, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline and campus judicial proceedings.
To report a crime use Anonymous Tip/Crime Report
Campus Security Authority Training Video and Quiz